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My name is Francisco, I'm an Electrical Engineer and I love putting technology at people's service.

I teach classes at the University of Chile since 2019 and I dedicate myself to mentor and promote student projects related to tech innovation.

I have a dream:

“I want Chile to have a world-class industry of technological products and systems.”

I teach classes as a way of pursuing that dream. I also teach because I am good at it (as I have been told by others) and because I really enjoy learning from my students.

Using computers is one of my earliest memories

I was luck that my mother worked (she still does) at a biotechnology research lab. She bought a computer for our home when I was 5 years old. She made signed me up for an e-mail address when I was 8 (wich I still use). I built my own computer when I was 12 and, luckily, I learn to code at the age of 13, but it never drove my attention until I finished engineering school.

My passion for computers started when I realized and understood, thoroughly, how they work and the impact of their development since the invention of the transistor. I decided to build this page because learnig about the web felt as a duty to me.

The love for arts & crafts

When I was 7, my parents gave me a little book with diagrams for folding origami figures. Since then, the passion for crafting objects with my own hands has deep-rooted in me and I love learning different techniques of manipulating matter to create things. If I had not studied engineering, I would have studied industrial design.

Last years, and thanks to my studies, I have learned digital design and fabrication techniques. Some of these topics are posted in my blog.

Sometimes I take pictures

… and upload them to my Flickr :point_down:

Desierto Florido